Random Aaron Ross Random update…”yoyoyoyo, I went to the Prom…”
The dudes in the UK who make up whats known as Bicycle Union, have been holding it down for years. Cong, pictured here, has been an FBM supporter since early on. John Dye, who works at Cyclone, and does Union sent over the pic, and then proceeded to call me out on at least 3 or 4 different things. Thats what he does. Ask Birdman. Amos sighting in Hastings again, with the straw hat. Deane Hearne has already started promotions for UK Newports, and is Hiring Fisher, AKA Fishty Cent, AKA Fifty Pence, AKA Fifty Hats, as spokesman for the new venture. HCS is having a comp in june, i’ll post mor einfo on that soon. Tony Cardona has an ankle roughly the size of a sussex seagul, and Digs more than most kids do these days, and still has time to eat pizza, watch teenage mutant ninja turtles, ask dumb qustions and do huge transfers at skateparks. Buy him Some Ramen next time you see him, or Loli and Obie will step on your nuts. AAron Ross Sticker packs? WOW!

Originally Posted by Steve Crandall