Big Boss A. Ross is currently in Mexico City Preparing for the Xgames street. Pretty cool opportunity, we are stoked for him. If he does well, I imagine he’ll do a funny dance, get some ice cream and text a bunch of people on his phone. Tony Cardon is in Pa. SHREDDING. Word has it he was doing flips at Adam Aloises house for incentives. Axel Rad might be the most absurd website I have seen in a while, Some pics lifted from there, courtesy of TREEBO. He’s almost as much of an ape as Nutter! Leif Valin photo and art, He asked for subbmisions for Chin man Captions… Paul Green Art as well. An ORK. What the eff is an ork? in other news, don’t forget about the Square One Jam at Marky P.’s place saturday. Kris Bennet and Bert Elliot will be there Listening to the “one Footed Dead Sailor” soundtrack, and partying wit hCrazy Joe Daugirda. Word!

Originally Posted by Crandaddy