Every bike manufactured at FBM is made with the highest quality materials, In our own machine shop, built with community minded dedication, aimed at making the best bicycles we can!
At FBM we know you can buy any number of bikes, from any number of companies out there, and we appreciate that. We love BMX, and we love when a rider chooses an FBM, we are thankful every time a shop praises the quality of our products, and we get stoked when the people that support FBM throughout the world, continue to help us move forward!
FBM has a long and storied history pin balling around this thing we call BMX. You can read about some of it here!
We might not be a big company backed by corporate big wigs, or have a team of celebrity BMXers in energy drink new era hats, but thats okay! If that’s what you are into, that’s okay too!
When you buy an FBM product, know that you are getting something built with love by BMXers, and we will do our best to keep it this way for a long time!
Buy our stuff!