When You hit the road with People Like Adam and Garrett Guilliams, Kenny horton or any of the other apes at FBM, you see and hear some interesting things. Posted below are a couple quotes and photos from a minute out on the open road with these free spirits… and this doesn’t even scratch the surface!
“Is alf still alive?”-Ginch
“I wanna stage dive in the mashed potatoes and dry off in the gravy…”- Ginchman
“when I was in like 4th grade, I entered my first contest, and rode against Mad Dog, he was like 7, I whooped his ass…” – Baby Ginch
“Man, I blew the speakers out on the stereo, blasting ‘Balls to the wall’…”- Kenny Horton
“These trees look like they could headbang the shit of something…”- ginches talking about Spanish moss.
“You ever put peanut butter on a cheeseburger? Ooooofff. So good..”- ginchman
“I just hope he’s still alive…” ginches talking about Alf, as well as “I bet he listens to Jimmy Buffet”
More Ginch Quotes and awesomeness on the FBM Twittter and Via Nic F. on The Nice Brand website!