Makin’ Bikes…

Joby Springsteen, Welding up bikes at FBM Bike Co!

Joby Springsteen, a fine bicycle manufacturer, and welder at FBM Bike company has been working hard on processing parts for FBM Steadfast’s as well as finishing up a run of Terrible One frames for a certain awesome BMX icon, named Joe Rich. Joby and Blaze have been making some cool shit in the back, that you can see on FBM’s Product section of the site.
If you hadn’t noticed the video of Florent Soulas who rides for FBM in france for our Distro, Unleaded, it has over 65 k views, on an FBM Gypsy, handmade by Joby at FBM in New york State! All awesomeness!

Parts in process...

Terrible one's in progress!

Meet Blaze, Friendly Bicycle Manufacturer!

The Isolation chamber, where bad people go!

Made at FBM...

Florent Soulas Chainless from adrien delaforcade on Vimeo.