Help your friends build stuff, bikes, stuff to ride, ramps, jumps, grind rails…
Hike through a forest, sleep under the stars, Watch First Blood, take a road trip, eat over a fire, have fun every day, get stoked.
Hold the door for an old lady, help a grom fix a flat tire, do bike advocacy, for shared spaces and places to ride, make a pile of bikes outside of a pizza place, put mousetraps in your friends sleeping bags.
Get stoked when your friends do something cool, leave your phone at home once in a while, give a meter maid the middle finger, laugh at yourself now and again, or at a fart joke.
Stick your head out of a moving car window, sing along to the radio, play with a dog, skid through a puddle, get a sandwich at Shortstop, make a zine, share a good book with a friend, pedal no where in particular.
Do whatever you wanna do….