Archived news fiesta…

King of the Archives.

The Archives at FBM are filled with years and years of nonsense. Derrick Girard can be found throughout the burned CD’s, and hard drives in the offices, making up some of the most interesting and simple photos we have. The photo up top was a sunny afternoon in Austin Texas, after we had taken a day trip to Abilene and rode the park. It was while we were filming the half and Half DVD, good times. In those days he would buy most of his road trip attire at thrift shops along the way, and lose half the shit he brought with him, in drunken stupors. He would lose his shoes, wallet, belt, just about anything, and simply replace it with whatever was around. Enjoy a few random pics….

T1 party. We loves to party. Crazy archived Big dave welding pic. Fang. Sleepy Dave, after Arata's wedding... Derrick pic... Zisou forgashanu, in an ancient age.... Born to lose! Brad Blanchard archiving some serious awesomeness. 10 year art, nearly 5 years ago....

Originally Posted by Steve crandall